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It is our goal to partner and participate with other organizations and churches in the area in a wide variety of community events. We are a frontline ministry poised to meet the needs of our community. All of our community outreach events and activities are FREE to those we serve. We're all about Restoration, especially within the community we serve,

Our 4 biggest annual community outreach events include:

Easter Egg Hunt - Annual Easter event (traditionally held in Poplar Lawn Park) 
with the intent of building community fellowship through the sharing of the Gospel, 
music, other live entertainment, face painting, bounce houses, games, 
and of course, large scale easter egg hunts for the children!

P.A.C.S. Backpack Giveaway - Annual event held each summer in which we 
partner with the local police, US Army, churches and schools (hence the acronym
P.A.C.S) with the purpose of providing backpacks and school supplies for the 
children in the Tri-Cities area. 

Turkey Time Thanksgiving Drive - Annual food drive held every November to provide baskets filled with turkeys, and all the trimmings, to benefit those less fortunate in our local community.

Toys for Tots - Annual Christmas event in which we partner with the United States Marine 
Corps Reserve for Tots program to collect and distribute Christmas gifts to children 
throughout our community, while also sharing the purpose of the season with each 
child and family: Jesus Christ.

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